Leo Haviland provides clients with original, provocative, cutting-edge fundamental supply/demand and technical research on major financial marketplaces and trends. He also offers independent consulting and risk management advice.

Haviland’s expertise is macro. He focuses on the intertwining of equity, debt, currency, and commodity arenas, including the political players, regulatory approaches, social factors, and rhetoric that affect them. In a changing and dynamic global economy, Haviland’s mission remains constant – to give timely, value-added marketplace insights and foresights.

Leo Haviland has three decades of experience in the Wall Street trading environment. He has worked for Goldman Sachs, Sempra Energy Trading, and other institutions. In his research and sales career in stock, interest rate, foreign exchange, and commodity battlefields, he has dealt with numerous and diverse financial institutions and individuals. Haviland is a graduate of the University of Chicago (Phi Beta Kappa) and the Cornell Law School.


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US INFLATION SIGNALS © Leo Haviland June 7, 2015

In their noble war to generate sufficient inflation, insure economic recovery, and slash unemployment, central bankers in America, Europe, and Japan have fought with extraordinary weapons such as monumental money printing and longstanding interest rate yield repression. On the inflation front, they battle furiously to achieve and sustain an inflation target of about two percent. This allegedly good (desirable, reasonable, prudent) goal contrasts not only with bad “excessive” inflation, but also with bad “too low” inflation and evil (or at least really bad) of deflation.

For several months, widely-watched inflationary yardsticks such as the consumer price index indicated too low inflation or inflamed worries regarding deflation. The consequences of the 2007-2009 international economic disaster probably have not disappeared, and the dramatic slump in petroleum prices after mid-2014 has troubled many inflation seekers. In any event, most economic forecasters, including central banking captains, have postponed the achievement of sufficient inflation as measured by such signposts rather far out into the future. Consequently, marketplace warriors, political leaders, and the financial media have focused relatively little on other gauges warning of notable potential for increased inflation in benchmarks such as the consumer price index.

The worldwide global economy of course is interconnected and complex. Numerous variables intertwine to produce any given inflation level and trend. Inflation acceleration need not appear first or strongest in beloved indicators such as consumer prices or personal consumption expenditures. Although the United States is not a financial island, focus on the American landscape.

“Inflation” is not confined to measures such as the CPI or personal consumption expenditures; “the economy” includes other inflation benchmarks. Various indicators signal there is more inflation “around” in the US than most believe. Underline American wage increases. Note central bank and marketplace murmurings regarding high valuations or so-called asset bubbles; keep in mind the climbs in US equities and home prices from their financial crisis depths. Money supply growth remains robust. The steely determination of the Fed and its central banking allies to achieve their inflation objectives heralds that monetary policy probably will remain quite lax for some time even if the US eventually raises rates. These factors collectively warn that at least in America, deflationary forces “in general” have found strong adversaries. The recent spike in key interest rates such as the 10 year US government note (and the German Bund) in part reflects this inflation.

Despite the recent rate of change in US consumer prices and personal consumption expenditures, probably neither deflation nor dangerously low inflation are on the American horizon. In addition, sustained “too low” inflation in America probably should not be a worry for the near term. Nevertheless, although a sustained jump in PCE and CPI inflation rates much beyond the Fed’s desired two percent target currently appears unlikely, “sufficient” inflation in America may be achieved faster than many predict.

“Flights to quality”, hunts for suitable yield (return), and other supply/demand considerations, not just low inflation statistics, can rally prices of debt securities. Yet did sustained central bank yield repression create or at least encourage “too low” yields for (a price “bubble” in) key government debt securities such as those of the United States and Germany? In the Eurozone, the terrifying enemy called deflation neared. The European Central Bank fired back with a huge quantitative easing (money printing) plan involving government debt securities. Some European government security interest rate yields went negative.

However, was a US (and German) debt security price bubble recently popped?

The 10 year US government note established an important yield low at 1.64 percent on 1/30/15, above 7/25/12’s major bottom at 1.38pc. Since January 2015’s valley, the US 10 year rate shot up about 50 percent to 6/5/15’s 2.44pc. The 1/2/14 summit at 3.05pc represents important resistance. In any case, what should the yield on US 10 year government notes be if inflation (such as in the PCE) is 1.5 percent or higher?

The 10 year German government note made a key bottom on 4/17/15 close to zero, at .05 percent (not long after the UST 10 year note made a minor low at 1.80pc on 4/3/15). Bund yields thereafter blasted higher, reaching almost one percent on 6/4/15. The Japanese 10 year JGB made a significant trough in 2015 shortly before the UST’s, on 1/20/15 at .20 percent.

US stocks advanced victoriously from their March 2009 major low for many reasons, including strong corporate earnings and share buybacks. Yet money printing and yield repression also assisted the S+P 500’s mighty ascent. So if US stocks recently reached “too high” levels, perhaps rising interest rates (or growing fears of them) will inspire those equities to retreat (burst their bubble).

Regardless of whether or not American government note yields recently were (or are still) “too low”, the recent sharp increase in UST 10 year note rates may reflect not just a “technical correction” or a growing belief that the Federal Funds rate (and thus yields in US government securities) will rise in the relatively near future. That noteworthy UST yield leap probably also warns that US inflation “in general” has grown or will do so soon.

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US Inflation Signals (6-7-15)

CONSUMER CONFIDENCE AND US STOCKS © Leo Haviland, September 6, 2011

The level and trend of the Conference Board’s Consumer Confidence Index alongside this nosedive in the S+P 500 indicates that the US economy and the S+P 500 probably will slump further over the next several months. If so, then the worldwide economy will slow alongside America’s, as will many other equity arenas. Given the close links between the S+P 500 and overall commodity marketplace trends in recent years, commodity players should monitor the Consumer Confidence Index.

After the first quarter of 2009, both the S+P 500 and the Conference Board’s Consumer Confidence Index (“CCI”) rose sharply. The S+P 500’s race to its 5/2/11 peak at 1371 more than doubled its 3/6/09 low at 667. At this 5/2/11 altitude, it was about 87 percent of its 10/11/07 major high, and just 4.8pc beneath its final pre-crisis top at 1440 on 5/19/08.

The CCI’s February 2011 high at 72.0 indeed represents a steep ascent from its February 2009 25.3 valley. Yet it nevertheless fell well short of the 111.9 July 2007 top. Moreover, this winter 2011 CCI elevation was only modestly above the 61.4 level of March 2003- when the S+P 500 achieved a major low at 789 (3/12/03) miles underneath 2011’s various S+P 500 heights. In addition, since February 2011- when the S+P 500 made an initial top at 1344 on 2/18/11, the CCI has ebbed lower. It fell under 60 in June (57.6) and July (59.2) and tumbled to 44.5 in August.

However, given the sharp fall in the S+P 500 from its February, May, and July 2011 highs (8/9/11 low at 1101 is almost a twenty percent drop from 1371; 9/2/11 close about 1173), the S+P 500 and CCI now are confirming each other in a bearish path.

Note the S+P 500 plateau on 3/24/00 at 1553 was not far from the October 2007 summit (Dow Jones Industrial Average high 1/14/00 around 11,910). In contrast, the February 2011 Confidence Index level lurks far beneath (only 50 percent of) the 144.7 achieved in January 2000. This underscores the current weakness of consumer net worth and the related mournful consumer attitude.

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Consumer Confidence and US Stocks (9-6-11)